The human body series

It can be classified into fibrous joints and cartilage and synovial. Fibrous joints are formed from Azemin up their fibrous membrane does not allow a lot of movement of Azemin, first allow any movement at all. This is not what we find, for example, between the bones of the cranium (skull) and cartilaginous joints - such as those found between the vertebrae - also does not allow a lot of movement. The synovial joints allowing movements and a wide variety. These joints and the articular surface is characterized by a very sleek, covered with a very thin layer of cartilage membrane, which makes friction between the two superpowers very lightly. In similar joints of the knee joint, the spherical shape party enters the long bone in the bone last hole, and allows this type of arthritis of a variety of movements at the tip of the bone, Kaltna, rugs, internal and external rotation of the leg.

It also includes the joints and other elements to ensure and facilitate the movement of some parts of the skeleton, while other parts of conjunctivitis keep steadily. Examples include the synovial membrane and the wallet articular ligaments and Alhilalat and others. Synovial membrane encases the joints bag transforms into a confined space. It consists in this space a viscous fluid, known as albumin, lubricate the articular cartilage and nourishes the cartilage cells, as many of the joints does not contain any blood vessels.

Wallet articular fibrous membrane enveloping the detailed and secures its existence balance and stability, as it prevents excessive movement of the bones. This portfolio linked to detailed Abjahta in order to keep it united and coherent.

The joints of the body function
Joints are very complex structures provide an essential function in the bone movement, as it allows the bones without each site relative to each other without any friction, prevents wear and bones. In addition, arthritis has several structures that control the movement of the bones and prevent some of them move away too much from each other, as the bones remain connected, but they also prevent the occurrence of friction between them.

In spite of this, the bone is exposed to wear continuously over human life and know Balvsal this case, a natural result of aging.

 A - all detailed works in a different way: the detailed aspired to be the humerus and ulna in the facility, such as the modus operandi of the reel works, on the other hand, the radial ulnar joint Kostoanh seems to spin on its axis. In the joints like the wrist hinge, is formed of two faces Mufsalian flat and smooth surfaces do not allow U-turn.

 B - Alhilalat increase the contact area between the bones of a very detailed movement, such as the knee, in order to distribute the weight better. And Alhilalat fibrous structures located between the bones of some of the joints to improve the efficiency and productivity of the work. Consisting menisci of the knee joint, located between the femur and the tibia, the solid crescent-shaped cartilage increases the contact area between the bones shall be reduced by the risk of the occurrence of pests.

 C - ligaments built to support the fibrous bone union, also limit the extent driven also to prevent moving away from each other too much.

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