What are the symptoms of anemia

Anemia, a blood disease that affects the vast majority of the population on the ground, so that the anemia has many different types and each of those types that happens differently for other reasons, and there are also some diseases that lead to anemia so that it is a symptom and not a an independent state of their own. And blood or anemia anemia is a condition ranging severity between the broker and the strong force that could risk causing a person's life, and his overall are many reasons that start from genetic factors when it generates some of the children infected with the disease, and there are some situations in which you are injured girls anemia or anemia after puberty due to loss of blood in the menstrual period, and when pregnant women as well. This indicates that the largest proportion of injuries anemic be among females, as well as numerous injuries anemic in the third world countries and poor countries whose populations suffer from malnutrition and exposure to pollutants that lead to the incidence of blood diseases and immune.

And examples of diseases that lead to anemia, we find that many of the infections in the digestive tract and ulcers in the stomach and intestines and hemorrhoids accompanied by bleeding the blood of the most common causes, and the Waltz of diseases affecting the thyroid or kidney or injury failure chronic diseases many other leads to anemia.

As for the symptoms and signs of anemia it is usually be unclear due to the accompaniment of other health problems, and it is recognized that the majority of cases are discovered her anemia may be headed for a doctor to examine other diseases. In addition boil the human body's ability to cope and recover from anemia over the long term and to provide him with the required nutrients. But there are some general symptoms where most of the injured participate anemia, and be in the form of fast fatigue and inability to tasks that may need muscular exertion performance, and feeling light-headed in many periods, and chronic insomnia, and feeling cramps in the muscles due to lack the blood's ability to have the desired oxygen especially in the lower muscles connected, and the incidence of shortness of breath especially when exercising.

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